Nathan Barlow

Student Pastor

Nathan has been serving here at Cavanaugh Church since December 2017. He is our Student Pastor for our teenagers in Blaze Student Ministries. His passion is for students to come to know Jesus! He believes in teenagers so much and believes that God will use them. He is honored to be part of their lives here and walk with them in a relationship with God.

He has been married to Shani for eight years, and they have three wild and crazy boys: Jedidiah, Abram, and Elias. He accepted Jesus when he was in 1st grade.

Nathan is from Wabash, Indiana. He has studied at Free Will Baptist Bible College and Ivy Tech Community College, and he finished up at Randall University focusing on Integrated Ministry.

For fun, he loves spending time with family and teens. Nathan’s favorite board game is Settlers of Catan. He loves to read all things J.R.R Tolkien and Lord of the Rings. He is our coffee guy here at Cavanaugh, and he loves pizza and Reese’s… a lot.